for out-of-hospital providers
training out of hospital maternity care providers in the essential skills required to recognize and manage obstetrical emergencies.
Birth Emergency Skills Training® (BEST) is the longest-running emergency skills course for out-of-hospital midwives, proudly educating thousands of participants since 2008. Participants build on core competencies and apply current evidence to clinical practice with a thorough review of the materials in the online format, reflective discussions, followed by instructor facilitated skill simulations in the hands-on workshop along with peer-to-peer sharing.
Andrea Dixon created the original BEST program based on the award winning book 'Birth Emergency Skills Training: manual for out of hospital midwives', by Bonnie U. Gruenberg, CNM, MSN, CRNP.
Avril Bowens officially joined the team in 2019 and co-created the online programs with Andrea. The programs continue to evolve to include new research as it comes available. And, of course, adjustments to the curriculum and flow are constantly being made, based on participant's feedback.
All programs are accredited by MEAC. You can now gain 24 contact hours in a single weekend of Lively workshops and gain or renew your NRP certification as well.
You will Learn:
* B.E.S.T Concepts, Mnemonics and Algorithms
* Facilitate smooth transfers to the hospital when necessary
* Early recognition of developing problems and how to manage, treat and/or stabilize for transport
* Increase awareness and competence in caring for diverse populations and understanding racial disparities
* Recognize at risk pregnancies
* Root causes and management of intrapartum bleeding with a thorough review of antihemorrhagic medications and other life saving management techniques
* Recognition and management of pregnancy hypertension
* Manage postpartum hemorrhage with confidence and competence by targeting treatment strategies at the root cause
* Manage shoulder dystocia effectively
* Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) review
* Techniques for safe transport of mother presenting with cord prolapse
* Management of shock and stabilization for transport
* Review IV insertion and fluid administration for out of hospital providers
* Practice all these life saving techniques at a live workshop with lifelike models, role play and debriefing.
Andrea Dixon created the original BEST program based on the award winning book 'Birth Emergency Skills Training: manual for out of hospital midwives', by Bonnie U. Gruenberg, CNM, MSN, CRNP.
Avril Bowens officially joined the team in 2019 and co-created the online programs with Andrea. The programs continue to evolve to include new research as it comes available. And, of course, adjustments to the curriculum and flow are constantly being made, based on participant's feedback.
All programs are accredited by MEAC. You can now gain 24 contact hours in a single weekend of Lively workshops and gain or renew your NRP certification as well.
You will Learn:
* B.E.S.T Concepts, Mnemonics and Algorithms
* Facilitate smooth transfers to the hospital when necessary
* Early recognition of developing problems and how to manage, treat and/or stabilize for transport
* Increase awareness and competence in caring for diverse populations and understanding racial disparities
* Recognize at risk pregnancies
* Root causes and management of intrapartum bleeding with a thorough review of antihemorrhagic medications and other life saving management techniques
* Recognition and management of pregnancy hypertension
* Manage postpartum hemorrhage with confidence and competence by targeting treatment strategies at the root cause
* Manage shoulder dystocia effectively
* Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) review
* Techniques for safe transport of mother presenting with cord prolapse
* Management of shock and stabilization for transport
* Review IV insertion and fluid administration for out of hospital providers
* Practice all these life saving techniques at a live workshop with lifelike models, role play and debriefing.
NRP/B.E.S.T. & Surturing Workshops
blessed births are BEST prepared!
Secure your spot with payment to Ujima Maternity Network via Cash App $UjimaMaternity, Venmo @UjimaMaternity, PayPal [email protected] or Check payable to Ujima Maternity Network mailed to 2104 Harkrider Street Suite 104 Conway, AR 72032
B.E.S.T Only
Suturing ONly