Arkansas is in a Maternal Healthcare Crisis!
We believe that through collective work and responsibility we can change this tragic narrative for the state of Arkansas and the BIPOC community during the childbearing years.
The CDC ranks Arkansas as the 1st highest maternal mortality rate in the United States with a rate of 40 per 100,000 live births as compared to the national average of 20.1.
In Arkansas, Black women die from maternal mortality at a rate of 71 per 100,000 live births as compared to a rate of 27.8 for non-hispanic white women.
92% of ALL maternal deaths are preventable. Too few women have access to quality and respectable care and advocacy. We are working to change that!
In Arkansas, Black women die from maternal mortality at a rate of 71 per 100,000 live births as compared to a rate of 27.8 for non-hispanic white women.
92% of ALL maternal deaths are preventable. Too few women have access to quality and respectable care and advocacy. We are working to change that!
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Upcoming EVENTS...
Black Maternal Mortality in Arkansas by Arkansas Times
New Film Documentary
support usWe will not be able to do the things we do without our corporate and individual sponsors.
join usJoin a network of like minded individuals, business owners, and birth workers with access to unlimited resources.
Supporting Black Families in Arkansas to survive and thrive through pregnancy, early parenting, and breast feeding
2104 Harkrider Street Suite 104 Conway, Ar 72032
501-358-6022 |